What I love about autumn is when the colors change not just on the leaves but also in the sky. I remember waiting for the bell to ring at school so I could just go outside and gaze at these magical shimmering clouds that were too unreal to believe. I remember at that moment hearing only my heartbeat because nothing else mattered. I remember standing outside breathing in the air and feeling it flow through my lungs and veins like an addictive drug that kept me going. I swear for a minute I thought I could taste the clouds which are pretty ridiculous since they're like 100 feet away from me but I do not know it just felt possible. One thing about that day that I'll never forget is how at peace I felt about myself and everything around me, all the chaos and pollution in my life and the world just didn't matter.
For a few minutes I was able to just enjoy life and it was a blessing because I really needed it. Everyone needs that moment where they can just forget everything and remember what it's like to be human. To not have to worry about that job interview or that late essay you need to turn in, can be breathtaking. The amount of energy people will spend on stuff that really isn't that important, stuff that they will kill themselves over because they believe it will help them or impact them somehow and it is just unreal. Now I understand how important job interviews and essays can be but we just need to not lose ourselves over them. Every problem has a solution and sometimes it may not seem like it, but there is another alternative.
I know for me being a part of any activities like soccer, or lacrosse that I played in the fall really helped with my stress and anxiety because the amount of pressure I was under from school was just enough to make anyone go mad. I mean with the assignments and grades trying to keep up with everyone else just made me fall back further. I think happens to a lot of people when they feel the need to keep up with everyone else and it took a lot for me to realize that I don't need to. I can do things at my own pace and that's okay. Although there is another thing that this season really helped me discover and that was volunteering at the senior community center where I had the chance to help someone besides myself and I gotta say trading stories with them was really inspiring.
The fact that I was able to add a little bit of life to their lives just by reaching out was pretty life-changing and I encourage everyone to do it. Try something new because you never know what can happen and who it could possibly affect, don't think about the challenges or drawbacks, just embrace the moment. Of course, originally I had the same doubts because I thought it was boring and just a bunch of old people complaining about how they missed their mark and I wasn't that far off. However, that doesn't mean it wasn't a wonderful experience that I would love to do again. There are so many adventures and new things that you just don't discover about life, but also yourself and that's one of the reasons autumn is my favorite season. It was in autumn that I experienced all of these incredible things that I previously stated and I like to consider it as my revealing season because it really opened me up to new things. Autumn was when I had some of my best memories and I won't ever forget them.
My point is Autumn is more than just a season or leaves falling from trees. It can be an essential part of life that really offers more than people realize. It taps into our five senses and the deepest parts of our core at least that's what it's done for me and I'm aware it isn't a big deal for everybody. Although you could just go outside every once in and a while and just appreciate the view, appreciate the way the leaves dance with the grass so gracefully it's like watching a cartoon come to life. Or how the wind blows up against your hair making you feel like you're flying like I said it's more than just a season it inspires imagination, creativity and so much more.


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